require_once('config.php'); ?>
(category) |
pertaining \"to the action or process of knowing\" ( |
instance | iteration | date learned | confidence |
absent_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
abstraction_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
abuse_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
academia_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
acceptance_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
accordance_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
accountancy_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
acknowledgement_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
acquisition_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
action_ | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
action_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
action_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
action___adventure | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
act_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
adapter_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
additional_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
advancement_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
advance_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
advantageous_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
advantage_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
advent_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
adware_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
agency_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
aim_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
airplane_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
algorithm_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
allocation_process | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
allure_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
aluminum_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
amazing_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
analogy_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
anddeveloper_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
anime_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
animosity_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
answer_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
applet_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
applicant_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
apposite_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
approach_problem | 382 | 11-aug-2011 | 100.0 |
arcade_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
architecture_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
arrangement_process | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
arrival_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
asset_based_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
association_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
astounding_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
atm_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
attacker_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
auction_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
audits_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
auto_process | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
avail_process | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
backlong_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
backplane_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
base_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
basis_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
bathroom_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
bazaar_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
behavioral_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
behavioral_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
belief_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
benefit_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
blend_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
blog_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
body_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
bone_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
bonus_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
braill_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
brand_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
breadth_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
breast_changes | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
breeze_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
bridge_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
brightness_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
brooding | 0 | 28-oct-2010 | (Seed) 100.0 |
buck_process | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
bunch_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
burden_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
business_action | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
business_opportunity_idea | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
business_planning | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
business_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
business_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
business_process_reengineering | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
capability_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
category_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
caterer_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
cellular_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
cell_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
chain_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
chance_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
changes | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
change_climate_change | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
change_problem | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
charge_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
check_change | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
chinese_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
chip_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
circuitry_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
classroom_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
class_action | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
class_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
class_process | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
client_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
climate_action | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
climatic_change | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
code_process | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
collar_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
combo_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
common_changes | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
compactness_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
compensation_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
competition_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
compiler_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
complement_process | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
compliance_problem | 667 | 11-dec-2012 | 100.0 |
computational_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
computer_process | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
computer_program_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
conceptual_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
conceptual_thinking | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
concept_mapping_and_critical_thinking | 316 | 26-jun-2011 | 100.0 |
conciseness_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
concluding | 0 | 28-oct-2010 | (Seed) 100.0 |
conclusion_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
condition_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
conduct_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
conformational_changes | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
conjunction_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
connector_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
consequential_changes | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
considerate | 629 | 02-sep-2012 | 100.0 |
considered | 629 | 02-sep-2012 | 100.0 |
constituent_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
context_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
continued_problem | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
controller_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
conversant_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
cookie_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
copyleft_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
correctness_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
cosmetic_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
cost_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
council_process | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
counterpart_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
countless_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
count_process | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
coverage_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
creative_thinking_and_lateral_thinking | 214 | 25-feb-2011 | 100.0 |
creativity_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking_tool_imagining | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
critique_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
crowd_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
crucial_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
crux_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
cryptographic_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
culmination_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
cultural_change | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
culture_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
cybercrime_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
cyber_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
cyborg_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
daring_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
database_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
deception_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
deconstruction_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
decrease_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
defeat_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
defect_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
define_innovative_thinking | 219 | 15-mar-2011 | 100.0 |
definition_of_holistic_thinking | 535 | 21-mar-2012 | 100.0 |
definition_of_innovative_thinking | 374 | 03-aug-2011 | 100.0 |
deform_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
delay_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
demo_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
dependency_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
depreciation_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
depth_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
desire_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
desktop_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
destination_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
determining | 598 | 21-jun-2012 | (Seed) 100.0 |
dial_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
dictionary_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
differentiation_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
different_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
difficulty_problem | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
difficulty_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
difficulty_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
difficult_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
dimensional_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
disadvantage_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
disagreement_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
disciplinary_action | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
disciplinary_actions | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
disparate_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
distance_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
distinction_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
dramatic_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
durability_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
ecommerce_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
edge_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
editorial_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
education_development_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
effectiveness_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
effectiveness_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
effect_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
efficiency_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
electron_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
emotional_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
encouraging_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
enthusiasm_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
entity_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
envisioning | 0 | 28-oct-2010 | (Seed) 100.0 |
equation_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
era_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
european_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
evaporation_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
event_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
everyday_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
everything_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
example_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
excellent_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
excellent_questions | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
existence_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
expectation_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
experimental_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
expert_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
extension_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
extensive_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
extention_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
extraordinary_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
eye_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
fabric_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
facility_process | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
familiarise_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
fast_changes | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
fast_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
fathoming | 0 | 28-oct-2010 | (Seed) 100.0 |
favor_process | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
fax_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
feminine_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
fibrocystic_changes | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
fictional_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
figure_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
firmness_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
fog_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
fold_changes | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
force_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
fork_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
freeware_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
frequency_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
front_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
function_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
fundamental_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
further_changes | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
future_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
gain_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
game_change | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
gap_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
garage_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
generator_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
german_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
giant_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
glow_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
golf_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
good_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
google_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
graduate_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
granite_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
great_change | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
great_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
guarantee_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
guidance_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
guide_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
half_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
hammer_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
hardship_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
headphone_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
health_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
heedful | 629 | 02-sep-2012 | 100.0 |
high_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
hijack_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
hotfix_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
huge_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
humanitarian_action | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
hurry_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
idea | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
idea_idea | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
idea_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
identification_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
illegal_actions | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
illegal_immigration_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
imac_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
imagining | 0 | 28-oct-2010 | (Seed) 100.0 |
impetus_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
important_changes | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
important_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
inbox_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
income_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
incompatibility_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
incompatible_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
incompatible_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
increase_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
independent_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
index_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
indicator_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
indoors_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
inferior_articular_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
infinite_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
influence_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
insignificant_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
instread_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
instrument_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
integrity_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
intelligence_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
intense_changes | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
interactive_problem | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
interesting_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
interface_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
internet_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
interpreter_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
invention_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
irremediable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
java_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
juche_idea | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
judging | 0 | 28-oct-2010 | (Seed) 100.0 |
junk_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
justification_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
key_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
kind_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
knowing | 0 | 28-oct-2010 | (Seed) 100.0 |
knowledge_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
label_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
landing_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
landscape_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
land_use_changes | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
language_as_thinking | 482 | 09-jan-2012 | 100.0 |
language_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
learing | 159 | 18-oct-2010 | 100.0 |
learning | 0 | 28-oct-2010 | (Seed) 100.0 |
learrning | 165 | 15-nov-2010 | 100.0 |
left_brain_right_brain_thinking | 538 | 25-mar-2012 | 100.0 |
legacy_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
legal_action | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
lesson_on_critical_thinking | 535 | 21-mar-2012 | 100.0 |
lesson_plans_for_critical_thinking | 248 | 13-may-2011 | 100.0 |
lessor_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
leverage_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
lifestyle_changes | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
life_change | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
life_threatening_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
limitation_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
linguistic_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
list_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
literature_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
load_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
logic_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
loop_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
love_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
luck_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
mac_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
maintenance_process | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
major_change | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
major_changes | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
major_change_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
major_structural_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
maneuver_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
manifesto_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
map_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
mark_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
material_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
maternity_process | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
matrix_process | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
matter_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
maturity_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
maximum_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
measure_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
mechanism_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
medium_action | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
medium_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
mental_changes | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
menu_changes | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
mere_problem | 251 | 15-may-2011 | 100.0 |
method_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
microkernel_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
middleware_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
mind_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
mine_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
mine_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
mini_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
minor_changes | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
misjudgment | 161 | 09-nov-2010 | 100.0 |
misregistration_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
mistake_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
mixture_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
mix_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
mm_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
modest_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
modification_process | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
modulator_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
moment_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
moment_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
more_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
morphological_changes | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
movie_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
multiprocessor_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
name_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
necessity_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
network_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
nomenclatural_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
notebook_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
no_idea | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
number_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
numerous_actions | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
numerous_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
numerous_structural_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
observed_changes | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
olecranon_process | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
one_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
organisational_change | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
organisation_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
organization_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
outran_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
overestimation_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
overestimation_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
overlay_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
overview_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
overwhelming_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
packet_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
pair_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
paragraph_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
partition_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
part_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
past_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
path_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
paye_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
penetration_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
perception_and_thinking | 512 | 17-feb-2012 | 100.0 |
personality_traits_and_critical_thinking | 225 | 28-mar-2011 | 100.0 |
person_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
philosophy_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
phonebook_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
photocopier_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
photo_process | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
phrase_problem | 647 | 17-oct-2012 | 100.0 |
physiological_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
pirate_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
playback_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
plenty_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
plotter_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
pocket_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
pointer_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
policy_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
polling_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
polynomial_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
pondering | 0 | 28-oct-2010 | (Seed) 100.0 |
populare_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
popularity_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
portability_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
portion_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
position_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
positive_change | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
positive_thinking | 210 | 17-feb-2011 | 100.0 |
postsolution_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
post_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
potency_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
practicable_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
practical_strategies_for_critical_thinking | 518 | 25-feb-2012 | 100.0 |
precision_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
predominant_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
premium_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
prerequisite_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
pressure_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
pre_cancerous_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
pricing_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
principle_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
printer_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
printhead_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
priority_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
prison_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
private_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
proactive_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
proactive_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
probability_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
problematic_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
problematic_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
problem_based_learning | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
problem_solving_in_critical_thinking | 436 | 19-oct-2011 | 100.0 |
procedure_changes | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
procedure_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
processing_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
process_actions | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
process_process | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
proclivity_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
producer_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
professionalism_process | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
profit_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
profound_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
promise_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
promoting_and_assessing_critical_thinking | 235 | 16-apr-2011 | 100.0 |
proof_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
protection_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
protocol_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
provider_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
psychological_changes | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
psychology_and_critical_thinking | 193 | 29-jan-2011 | 100.0 |
publisher_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
punctuality_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
puzzle_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
questioning | 871 | 14-sep-2014 | 100.0 |
quick_flip_questions_for_critical_thinking | 436 | 19-oct-2011 | 100.0 |
radar_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
rapid_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reachability_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reaction_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reality_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
realization_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
real_life_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
receipt_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
receiver_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
recent_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
recognition_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
recognizer_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
recongnition_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
recorder_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
record_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reference_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
reference_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
regime_change | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
regional_change | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
regulatory_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
reliability_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
remap_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
remark_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
remedial_action | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
repeatability_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
replayability_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
replque_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reply_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
report_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
representation_of_critical_thinking | 532 | 17-mar-2012 | 100.0 |
representation_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
representative_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reputation_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
requirement_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
rescue_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
restriction_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
rest_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
review_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
rewritable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
ribbon_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
ripper_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
role_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
round_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
sabotage_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
salary_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
sale_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
same_problem | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
sample_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
scanner_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
scheduler_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
science_and_power_of_positive_thinking | 463 | 03-dec-2011 | 100.0 |
scientist_process | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
scissor_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
screen_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
seminar_process | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
sentence_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
service_changes | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
session_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
several_actions | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
several_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
several_class_actions | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
several_important_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
several_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
several_regulatory_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
shading_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
shape_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
signal_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
significant_changes | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
significant_curricular_changes | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_demographic_changes | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_political_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_structural_change | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_structural_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
skepticism_process | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
skills_of_critical_thinking | 499 | 01-feb-2012 | 100.0 |
skill_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
slot_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
small_changes | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
social_change | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
social_changes | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
social_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
solutions_problem | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
solution_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
somebody_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
someone_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
songbook_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
song_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
soviet_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
specificity_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
specific_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
spirit_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
spite_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
splitting_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
stage_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
startling_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
statement_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
steam_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
storyline_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
storytelling_process | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
strategic_planning_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
strategy_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
stroking_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
structural_changes | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
struggle_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
subclass_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
substantial_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
substantial_structural_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
substantive_changes | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
successful_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
success_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
such_changes | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
such_significant_changes | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
suit_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
summarise_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
summer_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
superior_articular_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
superior_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
supplier_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
supply_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
surprising_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
switch_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
synchronisation_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
synoptic_problem | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
teaching_learning_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
team_based_problem | 211 | 18-feb-2011 | 100.0 |
technical_change | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
technical_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
technological_change | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
techno_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
teletype_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
temperature_process | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
temporal_process | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
termination_process | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
tester_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
testing_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
textmark_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
theft_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
theory_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
thing_problem | 364 | 28-jul-2011 | 100.0 |
thinking | 598 | 21-jun-2012 | (Seed) 100.0 |
thinking_ | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_exercises | 156 | 09-apr-2010 | 100.0 |
thinking_in_united_states_history | 317 | 27-jun-2011 | 100.0 |
thinking_logic_problem | 520 | 27-feb-2012 | 100.0 |
thinking_outside_the_box_exercises | 183 | 05-jan-2011 | 100.0 |
thinking_puzzles | 481 | 06-jan-2012 | 100.0 |
thinking_resources | 413 | 15-sep-2011 | 100.0 |
thinking_skills | 101 | 22-may-2010 | 100.0 |
thinking_styles_and_critical_thinking | 259 | 21-may-2011 | 100.0 |
thinking_training | 347 | 14-jul-2011 | 100.0 |
thinking_using | 343 | 11-jul-2011 | 100.0 |
thnking | 506 | 10-feb-2012 | 100.0 |
thoughtful | 629 | 02-sep-2012 | 100.0 |
threat_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
three_significant_changes | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
threshold_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
throughput_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
tie_process | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
time_major_changes | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
timing_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
title_action | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
top_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
torrevieja_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
trace_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
track_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
traffic_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
trait_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
transaction_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
transformative_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
trash_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
trend_process | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
trick_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
two_changes | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
type_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
understanding_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
unique_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
unprecedented_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
upfront_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
upgradeability_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
upgradeability_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
usage_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
use_change | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
use_changes | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
use_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
vacancy_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
value_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
variant_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
variation_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
variety_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
various_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
vastness_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
vat_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
vector_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
vegetation_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
violation_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
viriety_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
virtualization_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
vision_changes | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
visit_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
visual_changes | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
visual_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
vocal_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
void_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
voluntary_action | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
warming_climate_change | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
warranty_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
water_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
weapon_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
weather_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
webmaster_process | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
weight_loss_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
wheel_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
white_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
wide_variety_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
wireless_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
word_processor_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
word_processor_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
worksheet_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
workstation_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
worm_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
wristwatch_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
__change | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
ability_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
activation_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
advice_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
agent_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
animation_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
appealing_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
applied_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
arcane_process | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
auditory_processing_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
basic_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
beans_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
belief_change | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
bigger_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
biology_process | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
boundary_value_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
box_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
breakable_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
career_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
catastrophic_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
cause_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
changes_improvements | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
change__org | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
channel_process | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
characteristic_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
community_change | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
complete_personality_change | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
compliant_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
computation_process | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
conceptual_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
concomitant_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
conspicuous_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
contact_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
coracoid_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
corruption_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
countless_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
course_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
cowboy_action | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
crasher_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
creator_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
criticality_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
cyprus_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
defense_process | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
deletion_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
demand_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
designer_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
direction_action | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
discursive_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
distress_action | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
division_process | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
drastic_personality_change | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
easter_seals_project_action | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
edition_process | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
email_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
employee_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
enterprise_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
equilibrium_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
evidence_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
executive_action | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
experiential_learning | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
exploratory_problem | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
family_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
flexibility_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
force_changes | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
founder_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
free_boundary_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
frightening_problem | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
fundamental_change | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
gameplay_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
great_question | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
green_action | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
green_thinking | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
hand_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
heat_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
hour_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
ideological_change | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
immigration_questions | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
improvement_actions | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
inconvenience_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
indication_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
infiltration_process | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
instructional_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
intellij_idea | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
introduction_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
irs_problem | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
korean_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
last_minute_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
legal_actions | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
libre_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
license_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
ligth_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
line_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
linker_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
liturgical_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
lump_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
mac_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
magnificent_idea | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
major_restructuring_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
maneuver_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
manner_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
mastoid_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
microsite_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
mine_action | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
momentous_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
multiuser_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
name_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
need_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
numerous_questions | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
objective_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
objective_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
object_process | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
official_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
oil_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
one_significant_change | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
ongoing_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
opinion_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
organizer_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
overlap_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
pace_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
patentability_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
peer_process | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
personnel_action | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
physics_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
ph_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
pilot_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
place_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
planetary_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
planning | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
plan_process | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
presence_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
price_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
problem_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
process_improvement | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
process_technology | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
process_transformation | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
proper_changes | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
proportion_process | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
public_health_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
qui_tam_actions | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
real_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
recurrence_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
refrigerator_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
registry_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
remediation_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
republish_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
request_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
result_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
retaliatory_actions | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
revocation_action | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
science_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
sea_change | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
service_change | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
several_advances | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
several_dramatic_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
several_fundamental_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
several_large_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
severe_personality_change | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
shortcut_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_financial_changes | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_policy_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_social_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_structural_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
sort_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
sound_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
source_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
specific_changes | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
stack_process | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
strategic_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
striking_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
style_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
such_profound_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
such_remarkable_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
supercomputer_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
supermarket_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
sure_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
synergistic_actions | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
systems_changes | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
systems_process | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
tangible_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
tax_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
teacher_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
technology_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
terminal_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
terminology_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_activities | 104 | 23-may-2010 | 100.0 |
thinking_techniques | 806 | 25-jan-2014 | 100.0 |
tolerance_process | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
trade_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
transforming_changes | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
tumultuous_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
unanticipated_changes | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
unapproved_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
uncertainty_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
uncomfortable_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
understanding_system_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
uniform_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
unrelated_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
unreliable_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
unthinkable_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
usefulness_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
use_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
viriety_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
visual_processing_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
voice_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
volt_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
war_action | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
weakness_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
windows_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
workflow_process | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
wrong_thinking | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
aid_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
animosity_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
arrow_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
automatable_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
average_temperature_change | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
backlit_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
blind_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
bottom_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
camp_process | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
caterer_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
classic_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
comprehensive_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
conformance_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
convertible_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
copy_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking_strategy_questions | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
crucial_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
cryptanalyst_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
delineation_process | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
dependent_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
depressed_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
draft_process | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
editor_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
electric_light_process | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
extention_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
fireawall_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
gigantic_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
glimpse_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
harm_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
hobby_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
home_business_idea | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
huge_political_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
human_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
important_structural_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
impossibility_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
impossibility_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
inkless_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
interconnect_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
james_kilpatrick_renounces_segregation_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
lack_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
layout_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
league_action | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
limitation_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
literacy_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
major_demographic_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
major_design_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
management_problem | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
manifesto_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
marvellous_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
marvelous_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
masculine_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
metallurgical_changes | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
metric_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
military_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
minicomputer_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
mnemonic_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
model_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
mold_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
multifarious_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
network_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
organizer_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
patenting_process | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
philosophical_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
plausible_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
postsolution_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
pregnancy_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
processor_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
profound_social_change | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
projector_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
prominent_changes | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
protection_actions | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
reckless_action | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
recompile_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
recoupment_action | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
recoverable_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
relocatable_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
replque_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
requirement_change | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
resultant_climate_change | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
rush_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
scope_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
screenshot_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
sea_level_change | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
seminal_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
side_scrolling_action | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_life_change | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
sollution_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
spite_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
steep_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
stressful_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
strong_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
structure_process | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
stunning_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
subsystem_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
subterranean_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
thinkable_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
topic_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
topographical_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
transportable_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
trap_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
tremendous_advances | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
trial_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
various_structural_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
vindication_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
week_process | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
worldwide_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
yellow_problem | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
accordance_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
alternative_process | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
ambitious_changes | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
auditing_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
breeze_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
capitalization_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
cathode_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
citical_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
collar_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
compromise_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
conclusion_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
concurrency_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
detail_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
dozen_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
drawback_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
edition_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
effort_process | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
encounter_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
endless_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
enigmatic_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
eppisode_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
expiration_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
exploration_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
faultless_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
feed_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
flash_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
historical_changes | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
incoming_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
inconvenience_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
information_change | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
inline_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
inner_knowing | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
insecure_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
intranet_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
language_learning | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
licensee_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
major_enforcement_action | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
massive_structural_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
mess_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
military_exercises | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
mineralogical_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
modulator_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
moot_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
multiple_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
nasal_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
nuisance_abatement_action | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
objection_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
petal_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
phenomenon_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
popular_action | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
positive_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
proliferation_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
questions_general_questions | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
questions_the_questions | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
record_problem | 467 | 14-dec-2011 | 100.0 |
refining_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
relational_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
remembrance_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
revolution_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
scanning_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
shortcoming_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
splendid_idea | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
steven_brookfield_critical_thinking_process | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
substantial_business_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
subversion_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
summary_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
surface_temperature_change | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
tech_process | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_instruction | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
throughput_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
toolchain_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
tradeoff_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
troubling_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
trusty_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
unhealthy_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
unused_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
upfront_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
use_strategic_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
war_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
zygomatic_process | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
access_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
adverse_employment_action | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
allure_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
anonymous_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
audits_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
blindness_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
clipboard_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
cloud_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
commonality_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
copyleft_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
correct_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
current_disciplinary_action | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
demographic_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
denial_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
desire_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
disastrous_changes | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
doubt_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
exchange_rate_changes | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
expertise_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
expertise_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
extensive_restoration_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
identity_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
inbuilt_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
instructional_changes | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
insurance_action | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
interprocessor_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
interview_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
jail_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
lab_exercises | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
meeting_process | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
mental_status_changes | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
multinational_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
nobody_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
outbox_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
people_process | 1043 | 24-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
peripheral_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
permissive_problem | 260 | 21-may-2011 | 100.0 |
positive_changes | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
precancerous_changes | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
problematic_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
profound_the_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
property_change | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
rapid_structural_change | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
rational_unified_process_online_training_rational_unified_process_online_training_the_rational_unified_process_series | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
receiver_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
remainder_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
several_positive_changes | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
significance_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
slow_changes | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
subclass_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
subfield_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
such_major_changes | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
thick_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_capabilities | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
trace_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
trilogy_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
unpredictable_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
vevocart_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
waterfall_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
wave_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
window_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
amalgamation_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
answer_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
anybody_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
atm_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
backlash_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
bang_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
boom_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
breach_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
business_thinking | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
change_this_page | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
clouded_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
combination_process | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
connection_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
conscious_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
council_action | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
desk_process | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
divergent_thinking | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
drivers_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
educator_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
enabler_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
excessive_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
fabric_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
file_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
glad_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
host_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
ides_that_shaped_darwins_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
important_political_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
impression_process | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
instruction_process | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
insurance_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
interior_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
lifetime_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
little_changes | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
mainframe_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
main_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
major_institutional_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
major_physical_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
minimum_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
month_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
nosedive_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
noticeable_changes | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
odontoid_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
onus_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
outgrowth_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
overwritten_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
overzealous_actions | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
penetration_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
pivotal_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
polling_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
polynomial_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
possibility_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
potential_actions | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
propre_process | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
quarterly_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
reassessment_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
recurrence_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
refinement_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reprehensible_action | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
rise_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
several_business_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
shift_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
sonic_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
substantial_advances | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
support_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
team_building_exercises | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinning_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
bulletin_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
business_process_change | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
companion_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
constituent_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
construction_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
convulsive_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
cosmic_changes | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
difficulty_breathing | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
discount_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
distributable_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
drop_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
educational_change | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
era_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
fleet_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
floppy_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
frontal_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
global_temperature_change | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
heck_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
indicator_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
indoors_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
info_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
laser_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
local_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
lockdown_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
nba_action | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
neanderthal_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
noteworthy_changes | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
notice_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
objection_process | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
obvious_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
packet_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
parallelism_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
paste_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
payback_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
penalty_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
profitability_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
progress_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
proximity_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
psychotic_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
quality_improvement | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
razor_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
reading_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
region_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
requirement_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
resistive_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
retrieval_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
rush_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
scenario_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
search_action | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
secured_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
segment_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
seller_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
shred_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_advances | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
skilled_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
socioeconomic_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
stealth_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
subtle_actions | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
symbol_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
tester_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
two_major_changes | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
undivided_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
york_change | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
appreciable_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
approval_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
autoplay_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
bookmark_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
button_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
consequent_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
consistency_process | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
contentious_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
description_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
differentiation_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
enclosure_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
enforceable_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
exception_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
exploration_process | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
footnote_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
gold_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
gratuitous_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
house_process | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
imperfect_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
inability_process | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
intentional_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
invalid_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
label_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
layer_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
mailing_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
mandarin_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
massive_social_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
microprocessor_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
mishap_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
myspace_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
painless_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
patience_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
pejorative_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
physical_actions | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
preemptive_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
quantity_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
question_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
rapid_technological_changes | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
recompile_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
reflective_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
remarkable_advances | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
scheduler_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
specialization_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
translator_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
unusual_action | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
vindication_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
watch_satellite_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
advantage_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
agricultural_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
ballpoint_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
colorless_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
completeness_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
complex_changes | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
composite_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
conjunction_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
deep_structural_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
erroneous_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
experiences_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
global_action | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
gratis_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
hand_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
hardship_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
hong_kong_action | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
huge_advances | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
integrative_thinking | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
invasion_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
issue_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
latter_process | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
learning_experiences | 140 | 27-jul-2010 | 100.0 |
major_social_change | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
momentous_political_changes | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
plotter_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
popularity_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
programming_languages_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
punctuality_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
recipe_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
reduction_process | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
retaliation_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
sabotage_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
satisfaction_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
simplicity_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
solve_problems_human_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
systolic_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
transportation_changes | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
unreadable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
agreement_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
anything_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
complete_change | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
concerted_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
condylar_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
congenial_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
coronoid_process | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
dead_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
dream_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
dui_process | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
electromagnetic_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
eviction_action | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
evident_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
home_change | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
huge_class_action | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
impenetrable_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
interaction_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
lateral_thinking | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
legal_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
length_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
messenger_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
osteoarthritic_changes | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
playable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
playstation_action | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
pop_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
portion_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
process_theology | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
programmer_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
retaliation_process | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
row_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
string_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
successive_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
success_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
surf_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
systems_thinking_to_solve_a_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
taxable_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thing_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
uncertainty_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
what_were_they_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
action_theory | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
advancement_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
adverse_experiences | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
armworn_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
bundle_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
cyborg_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
delineation_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
edonkey_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
founder_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
friction_changes | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
global_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
home_thinking | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
major_hormonal_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
mm_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
numerous_business_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
oracle_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
particle_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
programmability_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
provision_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
registration_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
remap_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
reply_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
reviewer_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
search_advertising | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
supplementary_questions | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
support_process | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
synchronisation_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
time_significant_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
vague_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
variant_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
analog_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
beam_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
cent_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
dial_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
distant_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
employment_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
id_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
knowledge_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
literature_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
management_process | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
math_problem | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
maturity_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
member_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
normal_changes | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
pace_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
page_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
process_this_page | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
programming_languages_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
proposed_class_action | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
radical_structural_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
reaction_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
relation_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
ribbon_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
sideway_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
situation_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
software_process | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
songbook_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
symbology_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
unconstitutional_actions | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
unintentional_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
unsolicited_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
anime_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
beginner_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
bookkeeping_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
circuitry_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
danger_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
destructive_changes | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
detection_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
deterrence_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
iota_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
pointless_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
process_evaluation | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
quantum_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
silicon_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_definition | 284 | 04-jun-2011 | 100.0 |
ulnar_styloid_process | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
unaware_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
volt_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
workspace_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
address_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
alarming_changes | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
arena_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
bureaus_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
compiler_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
criticality_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
decrease_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
ethical_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
everybody_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
homepage_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
impractical_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
malware_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
manifest_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
momentum_change | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
necessary_changes | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
potency_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
range_process | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
respectable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
rid_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
straight_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
treasres_reading_higher_level_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
turnkey_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
uncertain_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
variation_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
wealthy_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
casual_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
confirmation_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
father_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
favor_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
glorious_idea | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
google_problem | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
haptic_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
infiltration_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
inspiration_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
major_class_action | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
nationwide_changes | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
negative_problem | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
offshore_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
opportunity_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
penalty_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
prevention_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
processing_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
project_selection_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
regional_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
remembrance_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
string_process | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
stupid_questions | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
styloid_process | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
such_massive_changes | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
surfing_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
tax_questions | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
unrecoverable_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
violent_changes | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
adhesion_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
bankruptcy_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
biology_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
blue_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
busy_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
colossal_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
controlled_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
depression_change | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
diary_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
empty_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
exclusive_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
fax_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
fitness_exercises | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
information_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
involvement_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
journal_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
massive_political_changes | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
maternity_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
opponent_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
peak_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
randomness_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
range_action | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
stretch_process | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
undecidable_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
waste_reduction_action | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
accountant_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
components_of_statistical_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
crux_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
daisy_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
expiration_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
ground_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
interactivity_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
intermediate_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
moral_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
occupational_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
odd_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
previous_questions | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
process_proceedings | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
product_problem | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
quality_planning | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
school_action | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
separable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
silly_questions | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
skin_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
thumb_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
transformative_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
western_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
whilst_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
accidental_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_research_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
degree_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
dye_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
expansion_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
factor_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
framework_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
hormonal_change | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
important_advances | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
indirect_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
manufacturer_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
methodology_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
mind_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
misconception_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
mix_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
newsletter_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
none_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
painful_changes | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
process_engineering | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
protest_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
prototype_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
redefinition_process | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
result_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
return_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
reverse_engineering_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
right_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
sequence_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
size_reduction_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_process | 185 | 07-jan-2011 | 100.0 |
truth_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
violation_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
addition_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
attention_process | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
church_changes | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
customization_process | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
extranet_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
fine_idea | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
habit_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
host_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
hurry_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
layer_process | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
majority_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
outran_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
section_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_advancements | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
teaching_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_adult_learning | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
civil_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
colored_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
credit_change | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
detail_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
distinct_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
enormous_change | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
interpreter_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
korean_police_action | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
profile_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
reassessment_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
recent_advances | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reputable_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
silver_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
split_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
trojan_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
view_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
acknowledgement_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
belief_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
braill_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
brick_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
business_planning_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
calculation_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
concentration_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
concurrent_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
contemplated_change | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
cyber_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
detection_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
deterministic_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
exhortation_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
forensic_problem | 280 | 02-jun-2011 | 100.0 |
inefficient_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
invertible_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
joint_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
promoting_assessing_critical_thinking | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
provider_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
slate_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
soccer_action | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
song_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
synthesis_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
build_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
difference_process | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
distinction_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
dramatic_population_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
fall_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
hardware_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
juvenile_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
knowledgeable_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
majority_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
memo_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
privilege_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
question_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
sheer_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
theoretical_advances | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
utilization_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
viewer_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
wire_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
beautiful_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
covert_problem | 281 | 03-jun-2011 | 100.0 |
demo_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
direction_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
genius_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
human_resources_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
inexpensive_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
interested_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
major_sea_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
maximal_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
plain_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
protocol_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
shell_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
sperm_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
synonym_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_day_activities | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
aerobic_exercises | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
bytecode_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
distraction_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
draft_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
enjoyable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
foreign_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
great_many_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
initial_screening_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
need_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
process_product_thinking | 183 | 05-jan-2011 | 100.0 |
proprietor_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
real_life_change | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
replacement_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
scientist_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
shareholder_class_action | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
tea_questions | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_capacities | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
unable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
blurry_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
case_changes | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
chain_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
company_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
confusion_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
discovery_problem | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
eager_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
higher_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
incomplete_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
information_gathering_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
inquiries_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
invisible_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
more_recent_actions | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
proof_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
research_question | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
symmetric_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
transit_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
typical_questions | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
activity_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
allowance_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
boring_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
customer_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
index_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
institution_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
integer_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
m_action | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
relationship_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
topic_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
trouble_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
variety_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
wing_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
action_planning | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
alliance_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
business_development_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
business_process_outsourcing_solutions | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
finishing_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
graduate_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
local_changes | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
monetary_changes | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
official_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
option_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
playback_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
process_control_systems | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
product_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
unwanted_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
weakness_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
century_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
detachable_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
disclosure_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
downloadable_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
glitch_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
hope_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
pregnancy_question | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
revolution_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
splitting_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
struggle_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
surprise_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_methods | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_processes | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
unheard_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
admin_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
change_planning | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
chord_changes | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
damaging_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
exception_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
extraordinary_advances | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
haber_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
hurdle_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
metadata_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
monthly_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
process_oils | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
seasoned_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
several_radical_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
vulnerable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
bizarre_changes | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
certainty_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
change_questions | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
common_sense_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
disabled_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
endurance_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
interior_changes | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
major_constitutional_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
mid_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
mission_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
proliferation_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
prospect_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
regular_admissions_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_problem_solving_and_cognition | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
wave_action | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
author_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
card_changes | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
check_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
dish_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
following_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
molecular_changes | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
promising_advances | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
repetitive_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
track_problem | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
trustworthy_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
condyloid_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
confusing_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
everything_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
evidence_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
fermentation_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
performance_process | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
unacceptable_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
usable_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
attack_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
categorization_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
derisive_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
dvd_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
exchange_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
explanation_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
guidance_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
preparation_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
projector_rental_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reconnection_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
rectangular_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
recycling_process | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
security_questions | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
significant_improvements | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
study_questions | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
volatile_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
failure_problem | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
inappropriate_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
joke_about_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
mass_production_process | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
multitudinous_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
numerous_advances | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
prone_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
prototype_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
purging_the_self_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
scalability_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
sceptical_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
several_minor_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
summer_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
version_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
free_love_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
gameplay_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
picture_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
pie_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
professor_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
propaganda_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
radiation_changes | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
awk_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
british_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
examples_of_critical_thinking | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
frequency_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
informational_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
resolution_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
astronomy_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
censorship_problem | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
commonplace_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
comprehension_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
loyal_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
phantom_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
relocation_process | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
technological_advances | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
tedious_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
unauthorized_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
akin_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
balanced_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
course_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
example_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
job_interview_questions_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
softwarea_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
steady_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
unencrypted_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
uploading_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
candidate_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
class_development_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
complicated_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
globe_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
headphone_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
pattern_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reality_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
several_significant_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
socio_political_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
datalogy_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
equal_changes | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
exercises_for_critical_thinking | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
nonobvious_problem | 257 | 20-may-2011 | 100.0 |
notebook_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
porn_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
responsibility_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
spatial_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
stream_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
unreasonable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
void_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
adoption_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
answer_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
buck_problem | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
creation_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
followup_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
manipulation_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
prescribing_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
probabilistic_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_strides | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
silly_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
unmatched_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
able_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
dictionary_problem | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
distinctive_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
independent_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
job_interview_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
mail_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
million_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
observation_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
opinion_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
pregnancy_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
refinement_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
removal_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
statutory_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_strategies_and_prototype_identification | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
collaborative_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
disease_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
grammar_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
intervention_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
late_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
pixel_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
secret_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
wondrous_changes | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
action_adventure | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
comprehensive_business_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
corporation_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
kind_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
likely_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
process_procedure | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
repair_questions | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
ring_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
benign_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
branch_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
burdensome_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
deletion_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
excretion_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
geologic_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
optmistic_thinking | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
patent_examination_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
segmented_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
strategic_business_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
arthritis_fatigue_cognitive_problems_thinking | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
aspect_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
buggy_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
cardio_exercises | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
defect_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
diaper_changes | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
inflation_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
nice_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
process_clause | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
reader_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
transportation_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
city_action | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
consequence_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
email_questions | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
general_question | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
massaging_action | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
military_changes | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
property_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
setup_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
undocumented_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
cozy_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
explanation_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
leverage_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
placement_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
possibility_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
process_procedures | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
recharging_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
remodelling_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
sewing_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
applicant_selection_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
hair_restoration_process | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
import_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
non_substantive_changes | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
post_question | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
procedure_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
process_outsourcing_solutions | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
razor_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
rewarming_process | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
analogy_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
either_or_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
extraction_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
lifetime_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
mid_life_changes | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
n6_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
project_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
speedy_changes | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
statement_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_problem_resolving_ability | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
change_activities | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
default_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
extradition_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
formula_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
infertility_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
intrinsic_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
resolution_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
technology_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
tiled_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
tracker_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
vastness_problem | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
archive_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
bonus_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
digitization_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
hacker_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
lightweight_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
pc_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
predictable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
process_students | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
protocol_review_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
steam_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
substantive_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
view_problem | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
accessible_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
artist_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
employer_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
map_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
n2008_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
process_challenges | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
solve_lateral_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
climate_change_processes | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
fewer_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
figure_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
optimum_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
outstanding_idea | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
territorial_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
afraid_problem | 280 | 02-jun-2011 | 100.0 |
assortment_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
claim_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
evolution_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
grooming_process | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
incredible_change | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
major_advances | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
metal_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
partial_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
participation_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
sale_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
sightseeing_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
variable_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
weapon_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
acceptance_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
divorce_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
flight_problem | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
involvement_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
leasing_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
argument_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
framework_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
trademark_registration_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
arab_israeli_peace_process | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
automatic_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
card_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
fake_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
long_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
mark_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
maturation_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
questions_the_following | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
self_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
status_changes | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
student_learning | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
sure_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
accuracy_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
beneficial_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
contracting_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
dream_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
magic_process | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
mining_process | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
submit_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_development | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
weakness_of_unbounded_system_thinking | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
anddeveloper_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
development_experiences | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
initial_interview_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
measure_problem | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
problem_based_learning_critical_thinking | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
process_window | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
wide_range_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
application_review_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
complimentary_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
contact_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
creative_process | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
essay_critical_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
insurance_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
positive_christian_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
process_difficulties | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
rate_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
subtle_problem | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
direct_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
distraction_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
execution_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
ready_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
tangible_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
calibration_process | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
faulty_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
idea_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
redesign_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
student_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
abiguity_in_critical_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
dedicated_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
disability_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
dramatic_advances | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
impressive_advances | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
inclusive_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
loss_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
proofing_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
rehydration_process | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
simplified_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
successful_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
considerable_advances | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
genuine_political_process | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
microsite_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
middleware_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
questions_frequently_asked_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
submitter_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_assessment | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
unsystematic_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
click_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
couple_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
enough_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
formal_identification_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
overhead_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
private_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
salary_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
stress_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
surge_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
address_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
clean_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
happy_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
problem_solving | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
project_development_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
protest_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
reflection_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
containment_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
minimal_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
scientific_method_activities_critical_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
sterility_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
subtle_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
assembly_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
deception_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
engineering_process | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
propagation_process | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
re_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
seasoning_process | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
skepticism_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
talent_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
cat_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
entirety_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
frequently_asked_questions | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
insular_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
previous_work_experiences | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
sharp_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
submission_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
transformational_change | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
additional_questions | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
faq_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
reservation_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
vat_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
wall_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
whole_production_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
feed_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
language_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
year_many_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
bonding_process | 1043 | 24-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
earthshaking_changes | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
granite_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
math_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
numerous_lineup_changes | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
regurgitation_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
r_u_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
screen_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
the_process | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
windows_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
letter_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
pressing_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
sort_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
emulation_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
low_problem | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
reduction_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
spending_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_experiences | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_use | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
total_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
chart_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
deeper_questions | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
explicit_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
fact_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
firm_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
foundational_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
ground_breaking_changes | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
hard_questions | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
inception_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
informal_fallacies_critical_thinking | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
internal_review_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
lack_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
magnitude_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
marketplace_changes | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
numerous_design_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
person_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
puzzle_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_change | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
typing_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
virtualization_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
bidding_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
documentation_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
does_clozeril_enable_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
e_mail_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
machining_process | 1043 | 24-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
national_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
proteolytic_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
recipe_development_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
varities_of_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
bankruptcy_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
condition_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
detailed_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
insertion_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
load_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_consequences_definition | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
better_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
brand_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
mess_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
post_production_process | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
security_change | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
tertiary_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
dominant_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
foreclosure_prevention_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
inexorable_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
mason1991_critical_thinking | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
n12_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
scene_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
smart_problem | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
tiny_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
welcome_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
world_shaking_changes | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
animation_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
bottoming_process | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
n25_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
press_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
process_improvement_expertise | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
swivel_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
transplant_process | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
unnecessary_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
wrenching_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
adhesion_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
advocate_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
alert_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
ball_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
brilliant_idea | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
enormous_advances | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
inner_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
operation_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
point_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking_problem_framing | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
customers_questions | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
disastrous_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
erection_process | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
man_made_changes | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
projection_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
specificity_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
buying_process | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
certain_positive_changes | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
delicate_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
product_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
radial_styloid_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
thought_processes | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
anthropogenic_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
diversity_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
guideline_changes | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
hammer_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
motivational_thinking | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
parliamentary_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
refinishing_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
terrible_changes | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
tv_problem | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
deployment_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
expression_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
postive_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
propaganda_wishful_thinking | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
recent_advancements | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
staffing_changes | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
biogeochemical_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
displayed_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
economy_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
n50_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
skill_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
system_level_changes | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
television_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_versus_profit_thinking | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
weight_loss_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
workflow_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
agent_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
database_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
dichotomous_thinking | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
wide_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
architecture_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
disruptive_change | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
estate_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
leadership_changes | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
neurological_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
preset_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reprogramming_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
broadcast_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
building_changes | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
clear_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
cybercrime_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
discrete_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
logical_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
method_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
procedural_changes | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
process_software | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
radical_social_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
socio_economic_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
validation_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
fulfillment_process | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
much_needed_changes | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
paypal_questions | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
sense_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
several_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
wide_ranging_changes | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
convenient_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
forward_thinking | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
governmental_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
matter_idea | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
portfolio_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
viable_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
delay_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
eligible_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
evident_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking_related_perceptual_process | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
higher_level_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
how_to_change_your_thinking | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
hypothesis_development_and_inductive_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
quiz_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
remodeling_process | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
capital_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
reasonable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
stuff_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
travel_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
various_radical_changes | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
complex_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
hydrologic_changes | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
steelmaking_process | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
versatility_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
area_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
computerized_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
concurrency_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking_skills_nursing | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
percent_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
rigorous_validation_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_process_the_thinking_constraints | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
transaction_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
worthwhile_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
arbitrary_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
challenging_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
practice_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
scientific_thinking | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
steel_change | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
unresolved_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
version_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
incremental_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
listener_questions | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
perceptual_process_and_logic_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
toward_healthy_aging_critical_thinking_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
wine_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
crazy_changes | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
interpretation_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
permission_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
reputation_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
certificate_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
concrete_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
fascinating_changes | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
glimpse_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
hood_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
subtle_change | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
cell_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
characterstic_of_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
business_that_promote_creative_thinking | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
case_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
criitical_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
licence_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
processor_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
standardized_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
succession_process | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
threat_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
bank_check | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
detoxification_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
embalming_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
grand_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
institutional_change | 1043 | 24-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
tape_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
victim_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
follow_up_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
payroll_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
socrates_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
strange_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
stretch_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
conditional_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
earth_change | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
essential_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
recent_experiences | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
serial_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
several_key_changes | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
reverse_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
static_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thorough_assessment_process | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
utilization_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
dark_questions | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
electric_light_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
implementation_problem | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
outdated_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
productivity_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
wide_changes | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
battery_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
likely_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
primary_process_thinking | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
qualitative_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
sea_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
strategic_thinking_interview_questions | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
long_term_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
resistance_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
enough_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
impressive_change | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
inconvenient_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
volunteer_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
circulation_process | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
confident_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
inquiry_and_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_problems | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
tumultuous_change | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
wonderful_idea | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
divergent_and_convergent_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
golf_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
origin_problem | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
vice_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
packaging_changes | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
precision_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
reversible_thinking | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
straightening_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
technical_questions | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_outside_product_problems | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
facebook_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
help_with_strategic_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
stylistic_changes | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
tough_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
trigonometry_problem | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
the_process_of_critical_thinking | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
windows_vista_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
damage_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
greek_geometric_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
information_check | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
portable_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
addictive_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
games_action | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
assessment_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
commissioning_process | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
digestive_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
freezing_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
inductive_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
multivariate_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
overload_process | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
personal_experience_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
persuasive_thinking_affects_critical_thinking | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
warming_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
completeness_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
handy_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
practical_thinking | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
cat_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
conductive_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
extreme_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
principles_of_accelerated_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
sufficient_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
discussion_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
gestation_process | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
recuperation_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
visual_and_statistical_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
adobe_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
reasoning_in_critical_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_recent_changes | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
tiny_changes | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
catastrophic_thinking | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
experience_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
fabrication_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
lesson_plan_systems_thinking | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
improvement_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
numeric_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
process_modelling | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
historical_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
link_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
modern_computers_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
religious_changes | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
snoopware_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
strategic_thinking | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
climate_change_experiments | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
consecutive_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
litigation_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
love_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
advantages_of_creative_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
comparable_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
couple_idea | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
foolish_idea | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
literacy_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
print_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
spectacular_change | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_logic | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
ecg_changes | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
extraordinary_idea | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
systemic_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
adhd_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
budgetary_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
parenting_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
tricky_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
culturing_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
extrusion_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
curing_process | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
extensive_planning_process | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
literal_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
simple_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
sites_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
automatic_action_without_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
clear_thinking_vs_foggy_thinking | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
cort_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
exam_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
macroeconomic_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
optimal_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
responsible_thinking_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
slow_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
format_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
gender_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
manpower_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
political_reform_process | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
powerful_changes | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
scientific_critical_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
summarizing_critical_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_and_problem_solving | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
obstacles_to_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
transient_problem | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
vocabulary_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
crucial_questions | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
rigorous_accreditation_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
artistic_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
construction_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
constructive_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
memo_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
misma_idea | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
motion_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
omni_god_idea | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
organizer_idea | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
rearing_process | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
reauthorized_idea | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
seawatch_idea | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
careful_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
fundamental_questions | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
period_many_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
trusting_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
alcoholic_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
availability_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
dementia_literal_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
it_project_management_systems_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
medium_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
process_learning | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
similiar_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
situational_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
skills_promote_high_levels_of_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
water_idea | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
mole_problem | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
property_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
several_personnel_changes | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
telephone_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
common_vision_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
hypothetical_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
disability_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
minute_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
demographic_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
electical_currants_sleep_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
turbulent_changes | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
accounting_problem | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
bidirectional_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
ominous_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
perception_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
three_major_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
bad_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
explaining_your_math_thinking | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
sign_up_process | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_moves | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
weird_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
implantation_process | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
important_idea | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
shredding_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
ten_questions | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_process_the_thinking | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
head_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
java_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
output_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
rhetorical_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_hats_activities | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
conversation_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
reproductive_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
wrinkle_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking_and_the_nursing_process | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
diagnosis_process | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
emergent_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_skill_exercises | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
study_on_teachers_reflective_thinking | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
vacuuming_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
address_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
embossing_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_daily_questions | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_not_thinking_without_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
terrible_idea | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_problem_solution_insanity | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
trick_questions | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
executive_changes | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
faulty_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
favourable_changes | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
consent_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
costume_idea | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
exterior_changes | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
magic_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
measurement_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
myriad_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
abstract_and_concrete_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
addictive_personality_and_addictive_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
context_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
find_critical_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
sky_changes | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
cash_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
concept_of_reflective_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
immense_change | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
monetary_policy_changes | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thawing_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_reflective_psychology | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
balance_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
chemistry_current_critical_thinking | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
duplication_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
pirate_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
violent_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
deformation_process | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
freeze_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
habit_of_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
potty_training_process | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
questions_common_questions | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
rhythmic_changes | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
major_organizational_changes | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
staining_process | 1043 | 24-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
command_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
dramatic_social_changes | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
improvement_process | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
queen_elizabeth_i_examples_great_thinking | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
succession_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_in_education | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
copying_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
logic_reasoning_critical_thinking | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
rain_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
adsorption_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
pde_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
pre_qualification_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
processes_changes | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
same_physiological_changes | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
substantial_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
infertility_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
subject_changes | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
championship_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
clear_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
sure_the_changes | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
further_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
musculoskeletal_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
my_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
route_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
sociological_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
stringent_action | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
textbook_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
web_idea | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
breathtaking_changes | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
insurance_check | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
numerous_positive_changes | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
quotes_on_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
adaptive_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
asymmetrical_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
international_changes | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
modem_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
risk_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
world_question | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking_activities | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking_reading | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
rolling_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
sinful_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_principles | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
air_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
awesome_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
huge_climate_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
issues_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
ripper_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
system_question | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
technical_support_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
immediate_disciplinary_action | 1113 | 15-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
questions_this_section | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
task_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
free_nclex_questions_on_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
license_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
thinkers_recognize_problematic_claims | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_induction_and_deduction | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
unacceptable_changes | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
analytic_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
bookkeeping_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
game_process | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
little_idea | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
order_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
card_idea | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
developmental_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
emailed_questions | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
removal_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
signature_process | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
irreversible_change | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
process_and_product_thinking | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
rss_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
speeches_on_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
suspected_change | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_1 | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
bar_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
turtle_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
encouraging_positive_thinking | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
imperative_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
numerous_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_reasoning_and_problem_solving | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
wishful_thinking | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
billing_changes | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
chinese_thinking | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
classification_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
college_critical_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
specific_marketing_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_outside_the_box_questions | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_problem_durall_company | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
direct_attention_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
growth_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
guillotine_critical_thinking_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
horace_to_christian_thinking | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
natural_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
programming_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
three_minor_changes | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
what_is_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
browser_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
force_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
large_climate_changes | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
one_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
pull_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
class_action_lawsuit | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
compelling_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
pair_process | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
social_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
urinary_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
washington_changes | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
book_magical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
contact_information_questions | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
creation_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
good_decisions_without_critical_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
reading_for_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
connection_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
external_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
uncomfortable_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
activities_that_promote_critical_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
adventures_in_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
stock_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_about_cheatng | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
cluster_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
sedimentation_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
semantic_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
information_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
major_structural_change | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
teacher_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
character_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
gap_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
habitat_changes | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
initial_changes | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
theorem_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
amazing_advances | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
intelligent_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
sexual_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
applicable_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
design_thinking | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
odd_change | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
principal_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_beforehand | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
body_cleansing_process | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
overtime_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
possibility_thinking | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
pre_application_process | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
regasification_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
explaining_the_thinking_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
fertility_process | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_economic_changes | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_expertise | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
instant_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
major_hormonal_change | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
physcology_of_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
postive_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
technological_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
share_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
toyota_production_system_lean_thinking | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
verification_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
walking_to_clearer_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
advertising_process | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
three_questions | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
learning_training | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
parallel_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_on_climate_change | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
designer_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
distressing_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
dogs_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
enforcement_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
environmental_changes | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
loading_problem | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_habits | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
creating_postive_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
incredible_advances | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reverse_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
course_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
entire_electoral_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
furniture_store_company_strategic_thinking | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
specialization_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
underlying_changes | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
brief_idea | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
mass_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
outside_of_the_box_thinking | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
quantitative_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
checkout_process | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
dreaded_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
meditation_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
much_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
workplace_changes | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
in_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
problem_formulation_and_critical_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
prosecution_action | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
vast_change | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
answered_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
tracker_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
chemical_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
more_personnel_changes | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
projection_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
recorder_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
arguing_and_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
brake_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
flexibility_problem | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
important_economic_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
major_layout_change | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
valley_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
cooking_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
quality_business_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
company_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
various_physical_changes | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
disintegration_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
learning_processes | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
above_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
doubt_changes | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
entire_rehabilitation_process | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
grave_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
installation_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
marked_changes | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
new_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
nursing | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
questions_that_develop_critical_thinking | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
sleep_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
sugar_effect_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_style | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
affective_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
domain_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
exercise_process | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
football_championship_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
high_order_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
massive_rebuilding_process | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
natural_healing_process | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
serious_cash_flow_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_consequences | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
usefulness_of_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
gain_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
multiple_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
strategies_to_assess_high_level_thinking | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
temptation_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
algorithm_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
array_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
barrier_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
cognitive_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
metamorphic_process | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
troubling_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
perceptible_change | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
speed_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
vast_idea | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
asset_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
extensive_business_process | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
rapid_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
deficiency_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
intuitive_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
mainstream_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
malnutrition_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
pollution_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
questions_this_site | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
real_economic_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
students_and_critical_thinking | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
intricate_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
isp_problem | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
past_climate_changes | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
real_question | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
socratically_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
operational_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
transformation_in_critical_thinking | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
meaningful_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
comprehensive_idea | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
membership_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
synthesis_in_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_knowledge_intelligence_and_thinking | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
interaction_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
organization_design_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
ruin_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_topics | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
cypriot_problem | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
learning_logical_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
point_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thorough_change | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
times_questions | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
impact_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
more_idea | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
titration_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
button_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
multifaceted_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
faculty_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
fertilization_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
idea__04 | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
idea__97 | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
text_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_schools_implementation | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
feature_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
hourly_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
important_lifestyle_changes | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
regular_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
challenging_oppositional_defiant_thinking | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
natural_systems_thinking_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
cloud_changes | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
inevitable_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
asking_questions_and_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
contour_lines_critical_thinking_questions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
process_soap | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
profile_process | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
rating_change | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
shedding_process | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thumb_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
work_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
dietary_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
intestinal_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
liquidity_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
same_frustrating_problem | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_abnormalities | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
accelerated_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
amplification_process | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
artful_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
cambodian_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
pension_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
legalizing_drugs_critical_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
safety_labeling_changes | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
adhd_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
block_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
collaboration_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
multi_dimensional_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
insect_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
i_got_a_thinking_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
naga_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
poker_idea | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
policy_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
provision_process | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
above_described_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
above_mentioned_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
ambiguity_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
anxiousness_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
biggest_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
broader_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
cauchy_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
chicken_and_egg_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
complementarity_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
condenser_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
downloadany_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
driveability_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
enjoy_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
e_mail_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
frege_geach_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
gearbox_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
gettier_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
gravest_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
gynecological_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
halachic_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
hydrogenation_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
industry_wide_problem | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
installer_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
insurmountable_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
intermittant_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
kampuchean_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
kinda_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
kosova_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
legitimacy_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
logon_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
multibillion_dollar_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
near_term_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
np_hard_problem | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
overcrowding_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
plasmon_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
rampant_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reachability_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
refi_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
rrod_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
same_similar_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
self_esteem_problem | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
simlar_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
simliar_problem | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
simmilar_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
simular_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
solvency_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
steaming_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
sub_prime_problem | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
tca_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
transnistrian_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
underreported_problem | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
unrecognized_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
unsubscribe_process | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
uxo_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
vibration_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
waterproofing_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
weirdest_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
wi_fi_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
year_round_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
zipper_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
age_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
manipulation_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
problem_solving_and_critical_thinking | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
resistance_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
dehydration_thinking_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
minor_editorial_changes | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
the_art_of_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
absence_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
four_changes | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
particular_engineering_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
suitable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
symbolic_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
web_changes | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
application_of_scientific_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
interference_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
competitive_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
deductive_reasoning_critical_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
finger_problem | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
module_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
shocking_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
slug_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
amazing_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
component_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
prominent_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
scanner_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
script_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
exciting_change | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
last_major_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
linear_thinking_systems_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
major_dietary_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
taking_your_picture_loud_thinking | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
hot_changes | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
landscape_changes | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
lieu_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
oceanic_changes | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
questions_product_questions | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
basic_economic_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
phase_three_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
requisite_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
acceptable_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
considerable_change | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
menu_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
sale_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
household_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
assembly_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_versus_lateral_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
deform_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
home_question | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
right_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
process_improvements | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
smart_idea | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
inspirational_thinking | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
philosophy_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
remainder_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_lesevre_nursing_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
available_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
cash_flow_problem | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
common_nutritional_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
fragmentation_process | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
impressive_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
timeout_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
questions_this_question | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
vocal_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
financial_aid_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
major_lineup_change | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
moral_ethical_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
name_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
serious_nutritional_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
smoking_helps_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
left_brain_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
new_thinking | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
ozone_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
various_name_changes | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
assumptions_relate_process_critical_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
developing_critical_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
higher_order_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
important_cultural_changes | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
significant_technological_changes | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
change_your_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
complete_sea_change | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
perspective_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
consistency_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
developing_strategic_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
incentive_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
profit_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
slow_idea | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thorough_consultation_process | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
trail_changes | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
fiscal_changes | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
interest_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
one_common_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
treatable_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
crazy_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
eternal_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
lamination_process | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
lp_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
the_question | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
total_idea | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
alternate_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
commonality_process | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
last_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
chechen_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
criminal_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
headache_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
laboratory_experiences | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
visitor_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
important_rule_changes | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
assumptions_process_critical_thinking | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
check_process | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
extreme_hormonal_changes | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
unforeseen_changes | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
be_forward_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
quotes_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
shutdown_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
strategic_thinking_exercises | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
agricultural_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
gravity_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
managerial_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
marriage_process | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
correspondence_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
concrete_vs_abstract_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
substantial_improvements | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
one_weird_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_one | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_seminars | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
articles_changes | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
mouse_problem | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
reality_changes | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
single_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
advocate_process | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
solving_problems_critical_thinking | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
certification_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
climactic_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
config_changes | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
deep_seated_changes | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
demands_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
drastic_environmental_change | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
emphysematous_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
erratic_changes | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
fast_paced_changes | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
histopathologic_changes | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
horrendous_changes | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
irradiance_changes | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
large_scale_changes | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
longer_term_changes | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
mental_mood_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
metamorphic_changes | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
mucosal_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
neurochemical_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
neuroendocrine_changes | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
nucleotide_changes | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
operating_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
ordinance_changes | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
outward_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
pathophysiologic_changes | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
sensation_changes | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
shift_changes | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
socio_cultural_changes | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
storyline_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
technology_based_changes | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
temperatures_changes | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
unseen_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
up_to_date_changes | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
voltage_changes | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
well_documented_changes | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
___changes | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
aceh_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
antenna_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
heartburn_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
implementation_process_in_critical_thinking | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_internal_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
significant_physical_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
threshold_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
military_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
optical_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
plot_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
terrifying_changes | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
applied_lean_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
compatibility_process | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking_meta_thinking | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
many_important_changes | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
water_scarcity_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
website_questions | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
intuitive_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
sync_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
limited_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
dependency_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
diagramming_your_thinking | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
qb_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
rest_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
different_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
foremost_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
rigorous_certification_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
type_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
pharmacy_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
profound_structural_changes | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
quotes_on_reflective_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
deep_changes | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
enormous_social_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
foods_that_slow_down_thinking | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
offer_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
one_nagging_question | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
substantial_legislative_changes | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
introduction_process | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
paradigm_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
shape_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
visioning | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
nursing_process_vs_critical_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
removable_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
serious_drug_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_exercises_and_processes | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
graphic_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
many_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
various_changes | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
air_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
chechnya_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
fun_critical_thinking_exercises | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
limited_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
serious_energy_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
reflection_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
relevant_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_out_of_the_box_exercises | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
first_mechanical_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
upside_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
equation_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
eritrean_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
langauges_and_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
obesity_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
questions_frequent_questions | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
consumption_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
polish_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
tract_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
change_negative_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
una_idea | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
altair_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
folder_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
moral_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
sd_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
comments_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
upsetting_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
disc_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
hurricane_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
opponent_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
socratic_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
drastic_physical_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
dynamic_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
offending_action | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
weathering_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
reality_tv_warping_our_thinking | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
survival_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
direct_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
unique_changes | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
applications_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
calf_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
corrective_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
information_overload_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
onion_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking_training | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
fireawall_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
novel_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
promising_changes | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
what_is_intuitive_thinking | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
fundamental_economic_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
internet_idea | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
line_idea | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
mineralization_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
assessment_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
hr_changes | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
standard_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
pet_overpopulation_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
burma_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
classical_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
line_changes | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
more_process | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
paper_idea | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
primal_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
choice_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
complete_opposite_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
freedom_development_process | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
motion_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
serious_pollution_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
typical_idea | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
eyes_problem | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
fantasy_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
methodology_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
title_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
answer_general_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
deforestation_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
integration_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
ufo_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
concern_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
smoking_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
central_economic_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking_reading_thinking_and_reasoning | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
midlife_change | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
researches_on_fluency_of_thinking | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
scale_climate_change | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
assumptions_and_process_of_critical_thinking | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
crime_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
eventful_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
flag_changes | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
m_idea | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
present_moment_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
progressive_actions | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
burnside_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
column_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
extensive_thinking | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
free_quizzes_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
numerous_improvements | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
present_changes | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
progressive_thinking | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
speed_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_activities_gender_identity | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
federal_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
impossible_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
mouth_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
spiral_thinking | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
startegic_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
door_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
manifold_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_references | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
animistic_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
pleasantville_critical_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
template_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
paranoid_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
preeminent_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
quotes_about_innovative_thinking | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
the_process_of_thinking | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
modular_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
chronic_inflammation_process | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
dual_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
important_change | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
matter_change | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
negro_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
uninstalling_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
active_listening | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
onboard_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
process_to_critical_thinking | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
visible_change | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
business_process_thinking | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
define_foggy_thinking | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
early_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
confident_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
mans_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
stress_and_critical_thinking | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_things | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
formal_changes | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
repair_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
serious_sleep_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
shortfall_process | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
newage_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
anger_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
extraordinary_change | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
icon_changes | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
methods_of_logical_thinking | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
difficult_medical_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
footnote_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
nc_idea | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
academic_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
process_of_critical_thinking | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
vietnamese_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
apparent_changes | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
genius_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
importance_of_systems_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
invention_problem | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
same_underlying_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
bargaining_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
decsion_tree_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
fundamental_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
sheet_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
major_business_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
major_policy_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
space_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
loan_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
question_the_question | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
terminology_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
bonus_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
clustering_process | 1043 | 24-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_geography_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
childbearing_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
core_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
pathalogical_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
theme_process | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
changing_criminal_thinking | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
una_gran_idea | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
fundamental_social_changes | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
generalized_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
hypothetically_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
realise_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_activity | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
anticipated_changes | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
creative_thinking_exercises | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
familiar_checkout_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
flushing_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
important_global_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
minimization_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
ringworm_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
systems_thinking_versus_traditional_thinking | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
brain_process_information | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
consumer_changes | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
site_questions | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
strategic_thinking_vs_strategic_change | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
bangsamoro_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
human_thinking_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
meeting_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
mental_problem | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
rosacea_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
smoking_cessation_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
stress_process | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
meteorological_changes | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
intention_process | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
kingdom_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
system_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
way_of_represting_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
account_registration_process | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
major_political_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
public_consultation_process | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
severe_back_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
deleterious_changes | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
main_economic_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
strategic_thinking_or_strategical_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
antonym_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
arbitrary_actions | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
serious_substance_abuse_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
stringent_change | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
sustainability_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
assett_based_thinking | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
cougar_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
environment_changes | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
gotomeeting_process | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
hot_idea | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
information_on_free_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
abrupt_climate_change | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
aesthetic_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
corresponding_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
microcomputer_problem | 1097 | 20-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
formal_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
major_process | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
new_zealand_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
reversible_thinking_reversible_problem_solving | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
sollution_process | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
disorganized_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
free_clipart_people_thinking | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
notice_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
positive_lifestyle_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
serious_respiratory_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
distinct_problem | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
same_problem_ | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
successful_business_binary_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
tmj_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
commercialization_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
draconian_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
harsh_changes | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
perpetual_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
irrational_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
primary_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_versus_creative_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
value_changes | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
foreign_policy_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
leading_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
serious_action | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
subjective_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
manual_changes | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
spy_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_licensing | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
blending_process | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
side_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_practical_exercises | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
emotions_and_critical_thinking_process | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
illogical_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
homelessness_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
reconstruction_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_exercise | 418 | 18-sep-2011 | 100.0 |
amount_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
major_rule_changes | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
poverty_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
real_big_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_exercise_objectives | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
what_is_lean_thinking | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
cable_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
define_morbid_thinking | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
only_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
language_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
significant_legislative_changes | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
slaughtering_process | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
strict_disciplinary_action | 1113 | 15-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
afghanistan_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
login_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
current_social_changes | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
uniform_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
sugarbank_pornographic_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
action_thinking | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
dog_health_problem | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
entertainment_changes | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
extreme_changes | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
optimization_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_and_shampoo_activity | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_reading_thinking_and_reasoning | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
important_environmental_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_example_nursing | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
right_changes | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
integer_optimization_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_exercisces | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
message_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
making_changes | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
stalking_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
certain_fundamental_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
detrimental_change | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
severe_disciplinary_action | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
classroom_critical_thinking | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
leak_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
teaching_strategies_to_develop_crticial_thinking | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
database_changes | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
difficult_problem_lateral_thinking | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
dozen_problem | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
offering_process | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
entitlement_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
fraction_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
language_express_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
value_problem | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
one_obvious_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
camera_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
define_strategic_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
horse_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
mastering_math_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
same_old_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_work | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
unlawful_action | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
analysis_changes | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
internal_disciplinary_action | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
quick_problem | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_adult_brain_learning | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_learning_dissability | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
copyright_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
immediate_problem | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
nurturing_creative_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
autism_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
clothing_changes | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
same_heart_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
water_no_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
comment_spam_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
reading_comprehension_critical_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
subversion_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
domains_of_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
limit_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
organizational_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
much_changes | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
fee_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
seligman_positive_thinking | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
shred_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
fundamental_structural_change | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
poker_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
cooking_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
rcra_corrective_actions | 1046 | 02-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
resources_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
serious_liver_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
specific_medical_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_about_the_thinking | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
challenge_process | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
creative_problem | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
preservation_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_skills_program | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
drastic_environmental_changes | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
influence_identifying_problem_critical_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
stopping_obsessive_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
confidence_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
socioeconomic_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
systems_thinking | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_activities_and_exercises | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
first_major_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
graphical_problem | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
process_introduction | 1112 | 24-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
serious_dental_problem | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
behavioural_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
commercial_actions | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
information_process_memory_and_thinking | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
plan_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
trust_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
momentum_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
wayne_dyer_how_to_change_thinking | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
years_significant_changes | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
competition_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
iraqi_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
speaker_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
fundamental_socio_economic_changes | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_blogging | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
bilateral_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_environmental_problem | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
guess_what_your_thinking | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
benign_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
research_and_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
safari_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
appropriate_disciplinary_action | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
architecture_changes | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
embedded_systems_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
estimation_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
importance_critical_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
nursing_job_icat_context_thinking | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
sample_questions | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
kosovo_problem | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
many_small_changes | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_questions_on_osmosis | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
edge_question | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
tv_advertising_critical_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
language_difficulties_higher_level_thinking | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
online_checkout_process | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
makin__changes | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
parallel_action | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
q_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
revenue_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
platform_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_with_technology | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
caregiving_process | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
legality_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
reflective_thinking_exercises | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
suitable_disciplinary_action | 1113 | 15-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
transportation_problem | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
tree_idea | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
conference_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
qoutes_about_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
christian_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
incontinence_problem | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
radical_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
subscription_changes | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
ear_change | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
establishment_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
semantic_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
addiction_process | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
fungal_problem | 1098 | 22-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
one_tiny_problem | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
three_key_changes | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
representation_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
trouble_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
detrimental_changes | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
outgrowth_process | 1113 | 15-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
experience_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
neurological_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
one_big_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
accurate_changes | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
chair_without_thinking | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
australia_changes | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
dispensing_process | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
preventive_action | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
wind_problem | 1043 | 24-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
licensesthe_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
models_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
power_change | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
proper_corrective_actions | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
double_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
huge_improvements | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
unit_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
turbulent_change | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
unlawful_detainer_actions | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
department_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
tune_process | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
wrinkle_process | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
patterns_relationships_and_algebraic_thinking | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
problem__she | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
rapid_environmental_changes | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
strategy_problem | 1049 | 16-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
madrid_thinking | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
qmail_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
recruitment_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
current_medical_problem | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
picture_of_someone_thinking | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
conducting_research_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
more_legal_actions | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
simple_changes | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
that_problem | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
lil_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
periodontal_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
gallbladder_problem | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
life_idea | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
property_changes | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 100.0 |
imaginable_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
ongoing_health_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
blanket_problem | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
ddos_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
due_process_protections | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
financing_problem | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
monthly_changes | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
porn_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
second_major_problem | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
extraordinary_action | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
fluid_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
mike_ferry_expand_thinking | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
active_thinking | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
arcione_a_rsh_idea | 1087 | 21-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_ability | 105 | 23-may-2010 | 100.0 |
water_actions | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
woman_thinking | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
article_problem | 1112 | 24-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
other_changes | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
outdated_idea | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
logic_problems_requiring_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
picture_of_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
dramatic_elevation_changes | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
tidal_changes | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking_process_nursing | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
shedeer_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
definition_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
funding_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
multiplicative_thinking | 1069 | 03-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
vast_social_changes | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
extent_process | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
gross_changes | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
home_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
panel_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
problem_solving_critical_thinking | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_mind | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
much_change | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
dysfunction_problem | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
site_problem | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
download_problem | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
drastic_problem | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
physiology_schizophrenia_and_delusional_thinking | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
crucial_change | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
hellenistic_versus_bible_thinking | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
significant_generational_change | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
messenger_process | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_sounds | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
water_pollution_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
alternative_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
furnace_process | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
subsequent_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
code_problem | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
core_changes | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
physiological_change | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
redundancy_process | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
scalp_problem | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
frame_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
other_notable_changes | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
portal_process | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
self_understanding_critical_thinking | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
constipation_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
fishful_thinking | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
focus_problem | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
disruptive_changes | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_folks | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
intuitive_creative_pedagogy_active_thinking | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
diffrent_types_pn_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
jokes_thinking_questions | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
responsible_thinking_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
cost_changes | 1082 | 05-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
proxy_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
reframing_thinking | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
eye_change | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_on_probation | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
computersa_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
decisive_change | 1055 | 05-may-2017 | 100.0 |
murder_changes | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
nursing_process_critical_thinking_questions | 1067 | 21-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
assertive_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
building_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
coat_change | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_challenge | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
assembling_process | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
consumer_problem | 1048 | 13-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
midlife_changes | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_reading_and_thinking_activities | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
energy_changes | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
blood_pressure_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
several_name_changes | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
long_term_debt_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
radical_thinking | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
thinking_games_troubleshooting | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
couple_process | 1084 | 07-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
innovative_change | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
shading_problem | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
didactic_problem | 1099 | 29-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
tactical_change | 1057 | 15-may-2017 | 100.0 |
adrenal_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
basement_problem | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
fervor_process | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
lasting_changes | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
moment_thinking | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
critical_thinking_process | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
fund_changes | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
sugar_problem | 1079 | 28-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
cable_changes | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
developing_critical_thinking_skills | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
exhortation_process | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
warming___climate_change | 1058 | 19-may-2017 | 100.0 |
courses_for_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
what_is_insular_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
correct_problem | 1088 | 23-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
thinner_thinking | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
beginner_process | 1054 | 02-may-2017 | 100.0 |
creative_thinking | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
petal_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
platform_problem | 1061 | 31-may-2017 | 100.0 |
student_problem | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
what_is_reflective_thinking | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
enclosure_process | 1072 | 17-aug-2017 | 100.0 |
boot_process | 1045 | 30-mar-2017 | 100.0 |
perspective_process | 1113 | 15-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
thinking_is_action_jung | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
breast_problem | 1076 | 09-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
configuration_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 100.0 |
slow_change | 1085 | 09-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
identifying_arguments_in_critical_thinking | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
one_technical_problem | 1100 | 02-feb-2018 | 100.0 |
policy_any_changes | 1081 | 03-dec-2017 | 100.0 |
qc_problem | 1095 | 18-jan-2018 | 100.0 |
arms_problem | 1078 | 23-sep-2017 | 100.0 |
dehumidification_process | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 100.0 |
public_problem | 1066 | 15-jul-2017 | 100.0 |
contradictory_changes | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 99.9 |
hiv_problem | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | 99.9 |
thinking_three_examples_of_thinking | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 99.9 |
god_actions | 1080 | 02-dec-2017 | 99.9 |
jail_process | 1094 | 02-jan-2018 | 99.9 |
kashmir_problem | 1060 | 27-may-2017 | 99.9 |
dangerous_climate_change | 1052 | 26-apr-2017 | 99.9 |
six_thinking_hats_method_process_improvement | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 99.9 |
climate_change_planning | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 99.9 |
more_drastic_changes | 1063 | 23-jun-2017 | 99.9 |
thinking_construction | 1090 | 27-dec-2017 | 99.9 |
computer_security_process | 1075 | 04-sep-2017 | 99.9 |
benefits_of_conceptual_thinking | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | 99.9 |
campus_problem | 1064 | 26-jun-2017 | 99.9 |
informal_problem | 1091 | 29-dec-2017 | 99.9 |
water_intake_problem | 1073 | 22-aug-2017 | 99.9 |
adobe_process | 1051 | 22-apr-2017 | 99.9 |
helpful_problem | 1055 | 05-may-2017 |