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(relation: domain mammal, range arthropod) See metadata for mammalcanbeirritatedbyarthropod 11 instances, 1 page |
See inverse arthropodcanbeveryirritatingtomammal for the definition of this relation |
instance | iteration | date learned | confidence |
deer, deer_tick | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
dog, flea | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
dogs, flea | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
pets, flea | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
horses, fly | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 99.9 |
animals, flea | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 99.8 |
cats, tick | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 96.9 |
dogs, tick | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 96.9 |
kittens, flea | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 96.9 |
cats, flea | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 94.6 |
ferret, flea | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 93.8 |