CPL @1096 (90.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "they battle at _" "basketball games at _" "Thursday ’s game at _" "team plays at _" "home game at _" "_ is a great venue" "DD-DD overtime victory at _" "’s game at _" "opener at _" "Tickets we are not affiliated with _" "regular-season game at _" "shootaround at _" "home basketball games at _" "career win at _" "campus , across from _" "overtime victory at _" "first career win at _" "address announcer at _" "exhibition games at _" "press row at _" "event coming to _" "seating chart of _" "final regular-season game at _" "home games are played in _" "public address announcer at _" "basketball team plays at _" "Sunday ’s game at _" "eight-game winning streak at _" "home games at _" "sellout crowd at _" "bad loss at _" "seating chart is specifically intended for _" "event types at _" "game held at _" "last game at _" "season opener at _" "game played at _" "chart is specifically intended for _" "DD-DD victory at _" "exhibition game at _" "available tickets at _" ] using williams_arena
SEAL @121 (98.4%) on 19-jun-2010 [ 123456 ] using williams_arena
CMC @1084 (100.0%) on 06-dec-2017 [ PREFIX=are 2.10334 PREFIX=aren 2.10190 SUFFIX=rena 2.02803 SUFFIX=ena 1.80210 SUFFIX=na 1.78560 LAST_WORD=arena 1.40185 LASTPREFIX=aren 1.34346 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.90072 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.02936 WORDS -3.04703 ] using williams_arena