NELL first birthday photo
Research team celebrating NELL's first birthday, January 2011

Contacting Us

The best way to get in touch with feedback/comments regarding NELL and the Read the Web project is to join our email list and discussion group.


We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of many collaborators and funders to the Read the Web effort...

Richard Wang provided us with code for his SEAL system, which is one of the primary learning components in NELL. NELL also makes use of the half billion web pages in the ClueWeb09 corpus, which is provided by Professor Jamie Callan and his students.

Financial support for our research has been provided in part by DARPA, NSF, Google, and the Brazilian agency CNPq. Graduate fellowships have been provided by Yahoo!, Microsoft Research, and Google. We thank Google and Bing for making the API's to their search engines available to NELL. We also thank Yahoo! for making their Yahoo!’s M45 computing cluster available to NELL in the past, and for their generous donation of 50 computer servers to CMU, to provide hardware support for NELL.

This website and most of its features were designed and developed by Burr Settles with Bryan Kisiel.

Current Research Team

Tom Mitchell
William Cohen
Estevam Hruschka, Jr.
Professor (USFCar, Brazil)
Burr Settles
Postdoctoral Fellow
Partha Talukdar
Postdoctoral Fellow
Ndapa Nakashole
Postdoctoral Fellow
Alan Ritter
Postdoctoral Fellow
Justin Betteridge
PhD Student (Language Technologies Institute)
Matt Gardner
PhD Student (Language Technologies Institute)
Jayant Krishnamurthy
PhD Student (Computer Science Department)
Edith Law
PhD Student (Machine Learning Department)
Derry Wijaya
PhD Student (Language Technologies Institute)
Anthony Platanios
PhD Student (Machine Learning Department)
Abu Saparov
PhD Student (Machine Learning Department)
Bryan Kisiel
Research Programmer
Siddharth Varia
Research Programmer
Shashank Srivastava
PhD Student (Machine Learning Department)
Bill McDowell
Research Programmer

Project Alumni

Andrew Carlson
PhD 2010 (Machine Learning Department) — now at Google
Weam Abu Zaki
MS 2009 (Information Networking Institute)